Saturday, May 31, 2008

Salsa Anyone?

So I am sitting here watching Sara's DVD, Core Rhythms. I would be up dancing some Salsa, Merengue & Rumba, but I do not have the proper footwear on, I left my stilettos upstairs. Darn it!

The graduation went well last night. Jessica looked beautiful. Since the girls stayed at a friends all night we went out afterwards and had a fun time. Met some new people and laughed alot.

Of course being out late did make it kinda hard to get up early for the house showing. I can't wait to hear from Melissa.

I woke up this morning with a squirrel by my window. There is a tree outside my window that is a home to many birds and squirrels. I enjoy sitting outside and watching animals. It is fun to watch them play and chase each other around. I assume they are playing.

Gotta go, the music is calling me... salsa anyone?

Friday, May 30, 2008

short note...

Got my car back today, yahoo! Was no small matter, but could have been worse.

My step daughter, Jessica, graduates high school today. Time flies.

Sara finally got a car, just got to get to New York to pick it up.

Short on thoughts and time today. It is beautiful out and I do not want to be in.

Someone is seeing house in the morning, pray for us!

Thursday, May 29, 2008

The Saga Continues

The saga continues with my Kia. Anyone want to buy a car, do not go to Shaffer Ford! The car is in the garage AGAIN! I think Tim and I are going to seek legal action.

Well, I have a new look. Changed my hair from red to dark brown. It looks ok, different, but ok. I am going to go see Jeremy in Hagerstown soon. I want him to color it for me. I changed it to brown to start getting rid of some of the red. It is great being a woman.

One of my bar guest brought me in some peanut butter pies the other evening. It was soooo good. I love peanut butter. Kudos to you Craig! Of course I shared them. Took one to the kitchen and then cut the other one up at the bar for the guest. For a small fee I will give you the recipe. haha

Got a second job offer this week. Kind of hate sitting in limbo with the house on the market, afraid to make commitments because I do not know how much longer I will be here. Our new realtor called and she will be showing the house this Saturday at 9:30 a.m. Please let this be the one! I am looking forward to the sun on my back and the sand between my toes.

Monday, May 26, 2008

Happy Memorial Day

Did you have a good weekend? I did. We had our picnic yesterday because I had to work today. I will post some pictures tomorrow (perhaps). A couple friends of ours came over and we had so much fun. The weather was beautiful!

This morning we had a baby blue jay in our yard. It had a hard time flying. Tim kept picking it up with a swimming pool net and lifting it up to a tree branch so our dog would not eat it. Poor thing. Do you know what amazed me? The mother bird (I assume) and about 4 other blue jays kept flying around it and calling to it. It was if they were encouraging it. Gods creation is awesome beautiful.

Well, Tim and girls called me at work. The baby bird died. So the girls buried it under our lilac tree with the other pets. It is looking like a little pet cemetery, all these shallow graves and mounds of dirt with flowers. Maybe we should get some headstones?

Work was very slow tonight. Of course, everyone was picnicking. It is raining right now. I had a few bar guest, so I did have company.

We list our house with Long and Foster tomorrow. I think this is it. I so want to be in Florida by the end of July. So Amy, look for me, I am coming!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Memorial Day Weekend

Ladies, you have got to get down to Value City for some new cool summer outfits. This morning I made a quick trip downtown to pay a bill, haha, a "quick trip" yelled, "I'll be right back" and then spent a couple hours in Value City trying on outfits. Figured since since I was in the neighborhood, you know... Anyhoot, there are some good sales going on.

So Memorial Day weekend is here. Can you believe it? Time flies, huh. Of course I work, so we are having a little get together tomorrow with a couple friends.

What's new? Hmmm...nothing really. House is still on market. We are listing with Long and Foster Tuesday. A realtor named Melissa Watson will be our agent. She seems to have it going on. I like her marketing style. I believe she may be the one.

I think I am going to try to post some pix this weekend. I wonder if I can super impose my face on the body of a model. Of course that's me! haha

Have a great weekend. Soak in some sun, have some good food and enjoy friends and family.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Hey There

I am back! Tim took girls to see Narnia and I am home alone. Yep, guess what I am suppose to be doing, you got it, writing. Help! Writers block, yuck.

I had a nice "me" day. I got a pedicure, thanks Mom. It felt soooo good. You know how dogs shake their legs when they are being pet just the right way? Well, I know why they do that, haha. She massaged my feet, I think my eyes were rolling into the back of my head it was so relaxing. I now have shiny red toes, sexy. Then I went and got the eyebrows done. You know what I wonder? Who was the first person to use body wax and what were they thinking? Ouch!

What is up with this wind and chill? Memorial day is right around the corner and I am cold.

Hey Trace, thanks for putting me in your faves.

Ok, enough dancing around, time to get serious. I am off to write the next best seller.

Monday, May 19, 2008

Grumpy Church People

Ok, so I am suppose to be writing. Dinner is in the oven and I have declared tonight is mine to write. So what am I doing here? Procrastinating.

It is mighty windy out today. Took kids to fly kites, but it was too windy and cold. It is Monday and I am off today because I worked for someone else yesterday. It does feel nice being home in the evenings with the family. Sometimes I feel like I am never home.

Can I share a peeve I have, if ya wanna call it that.Yesterday I worked, it was Sunday and I do not normally work on Sundays, but switched with someone because she really needed the day off.

So I was there at lunch, you know the time on Sundays when church folk come in after church and say "you should have been in church today", duh... if I were there, who would be here? Anyhow, I have two things to say...

First, to the church people, people who carry the label of Christian...when you come into a restaurant, wearing your Sunday best and it is obvious you just came from church and you are gathered around the table blessing the food, please, I repeat, please, do not curse the ones who are serving you with the very mouth you just used to thank God for your food. I am appalled at what I witnessed at work. Do you not know that you are a representation of Christ? If you can not handle that responsibility, change your clothes before you come to dinner and do not pray, because you leave a bad witness.

One such table nearly had a server in tears because the food did not look like the menu picture. Are you aware that servers are paid $3.08 and hour? We live off of your tips, so if you must be cheap and not leave a tip, do not leave a gospel track either. We can not see the joy of the Lord on you when you are fighting with each other, gossiping and being just down right miserable and taking as many people with you as you can.

Second, to the people who do not profess to be Christians, I am sorry. Please do not believe that Christians are suppose to act that way. Know that someone who truly loves Jesus will love you too. Though we all have bad days and being a Christian does not make us immune from bad days, if we are mature, we will not treat others like dung. What you witness when you see this misbehavior, is not the love of Christ, but religion.

Guys, it is time to grow up. Let go of the elementary and get real. If you can't be civil, then stay home.

Ok, that was my rant. Gotta run and check dinner and get serious with writing. Wanna post at least two articles tonight. By the way, anyone have any article ideas?

Friday, May 16, 2008

Stop It!

Hey Guys,
I found this on another blog. For those of us who dwell on things, here is the answer to all of our problems and phobias. What a hoot that it could all be so simple.
Love you!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Kerri Pomarolli

O'my gosh,
I remember skating in the basement to Aretha and Tina & Rappers Delight, before Michael looked like Diana. hahaha, remember that Trace? roller boogie, eeeeeeyaaaaah! Oh, and lets not forget the Osmonds, Leif Garret, Shawn Cassidy and Linda Blair. Hello! That was before the big hair. Trips down memory lane.. skididydink.

A Boy, A Dream, God & A Tornado

I found this story on Breaking Christian News and thought it worth sharing. Isn't that just God to wrap himself around this little boy and he was able to sleep through the storm.

9-year-old Boy has Dream and is Saved in Georgia Tornado
Steve Shultz (May 12, 2008)
All the Lord had to do was give him a dream that gave him a desire to hold on tight to avoid the rain. And, in so doing, he held onto the boards of the house and was saved, without a scratch.

While I was unable to find a link on their website, I listened to this story several times on FOX News and took notes. During the 135 mile per hour tornado that swept through Ellenwood, Georgia, last night, the deadly storm tried to claim the life of 9-year-old Andre Jordan. He was sound asleep as his mother rounded the corner to his room. At that moment, the tornado hit the house, with Andre still fast asleep. (Photo: KWTV/CNN)

The outside walls and exterior to his house suddenly blew off and began to suck sleeping Andre Jordan off his bed and out of the house, to a likely death. Still asleep, Andre was instantly given an dream in which he heard his mother tell him to put something in the "trunk." As he obeyed his mother in the dream, he felt rain on himself, so he decided to hold onto the trunk really hard to protect himself from the rain.

Shortly he was awakened, still holding on to the two-by-four wall studs of his house, thinking it was the trunk that was protecting him from rain. His dream created his rescue procedure!

All the Lord had to do was to give him a dream that gave him a desire to hold on tight to avoid the rain. And, in so doing, he held onto the boards of the house and was saved; without a scratch. Now, secular news outlets are not known for giving the glory to God, but here at Breaking Christian News, we will.

Source: FOX News

Monday, May 12, 2008

Louie Giglio, Laminin, and Gods Love, you gotta see this!

Happy Day after Mothers Day

Happy day after Mothers Day! That sounds better than "yuck Monday is here and it is raining to boot".

Reading the headlines in the news is a good way to help keep things in perspective. Cyclones, earthquakes, floodings, war.... makes me think of two things;

1. What do I really have to complain about!?
2. Jesus told us to watch for these signs

Guys, time is coming, hope you are right with God.

So, I have been reading Galatians from The Message. thought I'd share with ya.

It is obvious what kind of life develops out of trying to get your own way all the time: repetitive, loveless, cheap sex; a stinking accumulation of mental and emotional garbage; frenzied and joyless grabs for happiness; trinket gods; magic show religion; paranoid loneliness; cutthroat competition; all-consuming-yet-never-satisfied wants; a brutal temper; an impotence to love or be loved; divided homes and divided lives; small minded and lopsided pursuits; the vicious habit of depersonalizing everyone into a rival; uncontrolled and uncontrollable addictions; ugly parodies of community. I could go on.

This isn't the first time I warned you, you know. If you use your freedom this way, you will not inherit God's kingdom.

But what happens when we live God's way? He brings gifts into our lives, much the same way a fruit appears in an orchard- things like affection for others, exuberance about life, serenity. We develop a willingness to stick with things, a sense of compassion in the heart, and a conviction that a basic holiness permeates things and people. we find ourselves involved in loyal commitments, not needing to force our way in life, able to marshal and direct our energies wisely. 5:19-23

I had to check myself again after reading this. Ask myself where do I fall? I am so thankful for the gift of His Holy Spirit. That is how we know we are not orphans, because He leads us.

Hey, did I tell you we got an offer on our house? Yep, we ended our contract with the realtor, and decided to sell it ourselves. Within 24 hours we got our first offer. All we have to do is send this guy our bank account information and he will wire the money into our account because he want to move in by June. I am impressed. He has not even seen our house and he wants to buy it. And to think, all we have to do is give him our bank information... hahaha

Have a great Monday!


Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mothers Day

Thus says the Lord:
Let not the wise man glory in his wisdom
Let not the mighty man glory in his might
Nor let the rich man glory in his riches
But let him who glories glory in this
That he understands and knows Me
That I am the Lord, exercising lovingkindness,
judgement, and righteousness in the earth
For in these I delight, says the Lord
Jeremiah 9:23-24

Happy Mothers Day!

I had a nice day today. Spent it at home with my girls. We had planned for a picnic, but it was a rainy day, so we stayed home and had a good dinner. Rice and beans! Yum! And a baked chicken with some veggies of course.

Stepped on the scales this morning, day started out great, lost 6 pounds this week. May they not find a map back home.

Of the gifts and the cards, do you know what I love the most? The hand made cards from my little girls. I treasure them. You know you are loved when you see the hard work that goes into a handmade gift from your child and the joy they have when they present it to you.

Sara got me a new Pink CD. I am going to really miss her when she leaves home. I hope not soon. Our relationship has really changed this past year. Of course I will always be the protective mother, but we are becoming friends and I like that.

We went to an art walk yesterday. I may be biased, but Sara is a far better artist than most of what I saw. I am so proud of her and I hope she never loses her dream.

I have nothing much to ramble about today. It has been a relaxing day to unwind. My day just got better because my son called me. Love you Mo!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Weapon of Warfare

For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of thoughts and intents of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12 NKJ

I heard the most funniest thing today.Ok, not haha funny, but weird funny. As well meaning as this person was that said this statement, I had to walk away and scratch my head. A group was getting ready to go and street evangelize, for that I am thrilled, that is my heart and it was very nice and encouraging to see a group stepping out and I know God will honor that.

As they gathered, the leader gave them some instructions, go out in two's, how to approach the people, etc... but then he said something that I thought strange, he said not to use any scripture when witnessing to the people. Now I am sure that what he meant to say was, do not come off sounding all religious and scare these people, at least that is what I hope he meant. He told then to pray with these people and invite them to the church service they were having.

Ok, if the intention is to get these lost souls to church, then alright, I guess...

But if it is to save their souls, uh... you can not do that without the word. The word is our sword, it is our weapon. We do not go into the battle without our weapons. We are using he big guns when we use the word, responsibly, rightly dividing the word of truth.

Now, as you can probably tell if you have been following my blog, I am a follower of The Way of the Master. (click on their link to the right of this page) Preach the law first and let it do it's job and then preach grace. How else can a person be truly saved if they do not know what they are being saved from?

Many people think they are good people and will go to heaven based on that and many people think they will go to heaven because they go to church. How can a person know they are a transgressor, a law breaker, a criminal and will stand judgment and face execution unless they know the law and see they have broken it and need a bail bondsman, someone to pay their fine, which the penalty is death, a savior, Jesus Christ?

As my husband and I were discussing this earlier, I was reminded why people do not want to hear or are afraid to preach the law, because it offends people. Tell an adulterer they are going to hell, could make him feel a little uncomfortable, tell a person they are going to hell because they cheated on their taxes, might sound harsh, but what is worse is leading someone in "the prayer" and they have no clue what the cost was for their free ticket to heaven and you have created a false convert who will end up in hell anyway. Now what is worse? Offend someone with the word or help someone go to hell?

Ouch Stacey! That is mean don't you think.

Go the and listen to their message on Hells Best Kept Secret and The Difference Between a True and False Conversion. It is revolutionary and I promise you will see witnessing a whole new way. Even Jesus said He did not come to bring peace, but a sword.

If you know me, you know I am not a critical person. I do hope you have not misunderstood me. I want to encourage you, do not be afraid or ashamed to use the word. It is ok if someone gets offended, better yet if they get saved, but that is between them and God. What are the chances you will be stoned, hung on a cross upside down, beheaded, boiled alive, fed to lions or imprisoned. (speaking to Americans here). Jesus said the world hated Him and the world will hate you too, so you are in good company.

Now I am not saying to use Gods word as a club and beat them over the head with it. No, rightly divide the word and to do this you must know the word and you must know Him who is the Word.

Now go ye....

Gotta run, an 8 year old is needing attention.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Revival? Continued

I am willing to endure anything if it will bring salvation and eternal glory in Christ Jesus to those God has chosen.
2 Timothy 2:10 NLT

So I go to the church last evening and no one was there. I waited and then came home. Turns out they called (the same day) and left a message, but I did not get it in time. Apparently there is a "revival" happening and the church canceled the service so they can go.

At first I was annoyed because I took the nite off work, then I was disappointed, because I believe I had a word for those young people. Ok, am I being unreasonable? I know, get over it, it is not all about Stacey. I hope God showed up at the meeting and people got saved.

I get home and I reminded of an e mail I received, I posted it the other day if you want to read it. I check my e mail and I receive another e mail, you know one of those mass emails, encouraging everyone to get down to the revival, great things are happening, or watch it on their web site. Hmm..

Then I read on another local blog about a revival breaking out in their church.

Now, I do not want to sound critical, but no one mentioned salvation. they were sure to mention healings, slaying in the spirit, drunkenness in the spirit, and there was a lot of focus on the "speaker" but no mention of salvation.

I agree with the post before this one, (scroll down) where is the fear of the Lord? Where is Holy reverence? Where is the transformation and the conformation into the image of Christ?

I bet the guy who wrote that e mail in my last blog was trembling when he wrote it and especially when he hit the send button, because I know I am now. So, I will say no more, I just pray the Lord give you discernment and you do not ignore it.

Beware when someone say "peace, peace" and there is no peace.

To the right of this blog is a link to The Way of the Master, please click on it. There is no salvation without the cross. Drunken giddiness, personal gain and charismatic speakers do not bring salvation from the judgement that is to come, only the cross of Jesus Christ can do that.


Sunday, May 4, 2008


Hi Guys,
This weekend went by too fast! Went fishing with Tim and girls Saturday, the girls had a blast reeling the fish in. Today, Sunday, went to a co workers babyshower. It was nice. I ate too much yummy stuff, so I will have to double up on the turbo jams!

This weekend I have been preparing for Wednesday. Remember I will be speaking to a group of young adults and youth. I am so excited. I believe the Lord is really giving me a message for them.

I have been hearing God speak to me this past week. Calling me to lay down the burdens that I have picked up. It is kind of like walking on a path and getting so side tracked that you look down at your feet and you find that you have somehow gotten on the wrong path.

I am so humbled by His love and His patience. I want to once again feel that fire of my first love. To feel His closeness so close that if I turn around I will bump into Him. I want to love like He loves and forgive like He forgives. I want to fullfill the calling that He has given me and the purpose He set before me.

As my friends, can you pray for me?

I am adding an e mail that I received from a friend. I know it is kinda long, but I think it is very important. Please read it.

I love you and I am thankful for you!


VISION of TRUE and FALSE REVIVAL> -by Patrick Ersig. Here is the account of a vision from God that I received regarding true and counterfeit revival. This vision occurred on March 4th 2006.

The VISION: Everything was black and I saw one person walking at a semi-brisk pace. Not
fast walking, but a slight cadence above normal pace. Walking with purpose. This person was walking straight and sure - upright and strong - solemn and serious, like a revolutionary - a warrior - a light to darkness.

I then saw a couple more people and then others in the distance and they were bright and shining against the blackness that was all around. They all walked the same way - solemn and serious and the Lord spoke and said, "These are my remnant who are walking in holiness, righteousness, obedience, brokenness and utter submission to MY WILL - watch what I am doing Patrick." Then I saw the individuals begin to unite in small groups of two to three at first and then more came and the groups grew to five and even ten and the light intensified greatly. It was beautiful like a sunset over the mountains or a sunrise on the ocean, a rose in full bloom.

What I saw next made me burst into tears and sobs to the point that I couldn't continue to describe what I was seeing. My wife keep saying "What?!, what is it? What to do you see?!" After a few minutes a was able to control the weeping to explain what I saw happening. As the Lord was drawing together His remnant into these small groups the power God came down - like in the book of Acts - the lame were walking, the blind were seeing, the deaf were hearing, (literally and figuratively) and persecution fuelled the fire! This end time HOLY and RIGHTEOUS remnant of serious and solemn warriors and revolutionaries walked in the deep darkness of America and her backslidden lukewarm churches with apostolic glory and power not seen since the book of Acts - to proclaim the true Gospel of Jesus Christ - repentance and holiness and freedom from sin! The Lord spoke and said, "This is the revival that I am bringing about and it starts with the individuals who have been called out to personal revival and are walking straight and sure - upright and strong - solemn and serious, like revolutionaries, warriors, lights to darkness. My remnant is walking in holiness, righteousness, obedience, brokenness and utter submission to MY WILL and I am drawing them together." Then the vision switched.

Now I saw what looked like a dimly lit movie or a video shot with poor lighting. I saw clips of people dancing and shaking. I saw people falling down, shouting, jumping, and singing. There were huge multitudes rather then the few and many, many were coming in large groups that filled large auditoriums and stadiums instead of small groups of individuals being drawn together. Even some of the lights that were in the first part of the vision were drawn to this part of the vision. I saw dancing and clapping, shaking, shouting, strong and powerful emotionalism and sensationalism. Soulish and fleshy spirits claimed to be the Holy Spirit. Great miracles abounded - signs and wonders. People proclaimed, "This is the revival we have been waiting and praying for!! -This is the revival we have heard prophesied!!! - This is the outpouring of the Holy Spirit - a great move of God!" But the Lord spoke and said, "Patrick this is not from me - this is from Satan - it is a counterfeit!! And many will be fooled and tricked by this clever deception from the enemy!" Then the vision switched again. Now I saw both visions side by side - split screen, so to speak. They both grew in intensity at an equal rate - as the true would grow in power, the false would grow in numbers and as the true would grow in numbers, the false would grow in false signs and wonders. The Lord spoke and said, "This is not a vision of the future, but this has already begun and will grow as the days pass. I am doing this now and the enemy is coming against it at this very moment."

Conclusion: The Lord is bringing about an end times revival of which the like we have never seen and it begins with you. The Lord is calling you to be separate, to holiness and righteousness unto the Lord and to walk in obedience and utter submission to His will. Be free from sin, be perfect as your Father in heaven is perfect, be dead to flesh and alive IN Christ. Walk sober and solemn and serious before the Lord with a reverent and holy fear of God. If you are looking and waiting for some big corporate outpouring of emotionalism and signs and wonders you are going to miss the coming revival. The revival starts with you! Seek the Lord and press into Him closer everyday. Allow the Blood and Grace of Jesus to break the bonds of your flesh and produce Holy and Righteous living in your life. Ask the Lord to show you what it is in your life that is keeping you from that which is perfect - no matter how small or how painful; ask the Lord to expose everything that is keeping you from being closer to Him and bring Glory to Him and His kingdom and deeply renounce all that He shows you. Live your life as a living sacrifice - a living drink offering poured out before the Lord for His glory and honor. There are many things that are cultural, societal and religious that keep us separated from God and walking in His Spirit.

Pray for God to bring these things to light and put them to death no matter how hard it may be. If you don't realize that the revival the Lord is doing begins with you individually, then you are going to miss it! The Lord is calling you today, repent for your lukewarmness and your lackadaisical attitude toward sin in your own life and those who are perishing and plunging into hell all around you everyday! The Lord is calling you today to allow the Blood of Jesus and the grace of God to produce holiness and rivers of righteousness in your life that you maybe salt to a decaying world and light to the darkness that prevails. What will you do? The Lord is calling you right now to make up your mind to love Him with all your heart, mind, soul and strength, take up your cross, die to self and follow HIM - forsaking ALL and seeking after Him with all that you are and have. Come out and be separate in holy, righteous obedience unto God! WARNIG - DO NOT be fooled by these sensual, emotional counterfeits that are and will be popping up, that these people and churches call "revival". IT IS A TRICK FROM THE ENEMY! When you hear that "revival" has broken out in the next town or the next state or even in your own city - please remember this warning. There will be much singing and dancing and shouting and many things will sound as though they are true. There will be great surges of emotion that will cause people to fall down and jump and shout, cry and weep but this is not from God. Many will be crying out in joy, "Peace, peace". But God's Servants will have discernment above and beyond any gift, and a willingness to die than lie - despite the increase of signs and wonders from all of the counterfeit moves around them in the 'churches'. If the "revival" you are in is not serious and reverent, holy and righteous, and the Love and reverent fear toward God are not the only things you see, then RUN FOR YOUR LIFE, and warn everyone you know. These spirits are strong and extremely powerful - get out of the building and don't be fooled by the signs and wonders. Please, I am begging you to remember this, for I know that there will be many who are fooled and even (if possible) drawn away from the real to the counterfeit, but I also know that there will be some who read this warning and remember it and are spared.

The true revival army will look like small bands of revolutionaries or Special Forces with an end times mission to complete and Satan's counterfeit will resemble a band of wild Indians or tribal warriors dancing shouting battle cries. The true revival army will attack the enemy at its stronghold, sin - their mission will be the souls of men through the power of the Holy Spirit - they will be concerned with setting people free from the bondage of sin through the message of the cross and will watch strongholds of sin topple. Satan's counterfeit will go after places and methods of sin - they will try to legislate morality and get laws changed, which results in forced morality and no salvations. God's army will seek to save that which is lost in the streets and alleys - Satan's army will try to change the laws to prevent sin but result in the salvation of no one. "Whosoever loves his life shall lose it. Whosoever loses his life for MY sake, shall find it." Satan you are on notice! God is preparing a revival army that is going to> tear down the strongholds of your kingdom and Jesus is preparing a bride for Himself that is spotless and pure! God is calling to make a decision right now - what will you do?!

~READ MORE: This vision along with much information and discussion on the current 'Florida healing revival' can be found on the Forum at the following website- ~NOTE: Andrew Strom will be on 'Watchmen Radio' this Sat night (USA time)> discussing this whole movement and related issues - . YES! - You have permission to post these emails

Friday, May 2, 2008

One Day Closer

Well, we are still here. The house still says "For Sale", and so does many other houses up and down the road. Will someone please buy our house! I will even throw in a dog.

Guess what! I will be speaking to the youth and young adults at The City of Refuge Wednesday. I am really excited. As I have been preparing, of course nothing is coming to mind. I have it inside me, I will just trust God to bring it forth. It is truly a privilege to be able to speak life into the lives of young people and an awesome responsibility to go for God.

What I really want to impart to these young people is that God has a plan and a purpose for them, not just for them alone, but for His glory. These are treacherous times we are living in and the signs are all around us that Jesus will be coming soon. And of course as an evangelist, I want them all saved!

Please be in prayer for me for Wednesday.

Gotta go get ready for work soon. I just wanted to touch base and encourage you to stay strong in the faith and keep looking upwards, because He is coming soon to reclaim His own. We are not forgotten, God knows our name!