Thursday, June 19, 2008

A Can of Worms? Hardly.

Well, first I will start off on a funny encouraging note, encouraging to me anyway...
So, as you know I have been working hard on losing weight and getting in shape. I am seeing results and feeling great and motivated to do even more.

So anyway, Sara's (guy) friend came to the house today. As they were leaving, Sara says, "Mom, Jessie said you are "hot"" hahaha So I sang to Tim, "Sara's mom's got it going on!" I think her friend wanted to run, perhaps he did not think Sara would blurt it out right in front of him. I think he will be my favorite friend for her. He can visit anytime. hahaha

We are getting ready for our Unite for Change meeting next Saturday. A few Christian friends have asked me why I support him. Some were surprised, after all, he is a democrat, pro choice, gasp! There is another blog that sums up quite well what my answer to the questions of those who want to know why I am supporting Obama, actually two, the first is A Christian Democrat and the next is Obamas website Check those sites out and then if you have any questions or want to know more come to our Unite for Change meeting Sat. June 28th 8 p.m.

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